2014 m. vasario 9 d., sekmadienis
Kaip pasidaryti nagučius Valentio dienai...
Artėjant Valentino dienai....
Valentine’s Day Nail Art Designs Super Hot Ideas, Tips and Tricks
Nail art designs don’t have to get ‘ya all twisted and confused! Does thinking about making some really cute designs at home on your own only bring up images of a sticky, hand full of polish -y mess? Sometimes, me too! I’ve found some really great sites online that not only have cute nail art designs for inspiration, but also the how to’s, tips, tricks and super cute ideas as well! Fingers or toes, they’ve got ya covered!Whether you’re going and doing the single girl on the town this Valentine’s Day, or spending some cuddle time with that special, smexy someone – There’s nail art designs listed here to help make your look complete. Each year, February 14th always has that ‘Love is in the air’ magic about it. Coupled up with your cutie = LOVE. Single, hot, girl on the town = LOVE. Let’s rock that mani / pedi shall we?
Natūralūs produktai rankų odos gydymui namuose. Healthy ingredients used in the homemade manicure
Rankų gydymas namuose yra daug efektyvesnis ir suteikia daugiau ilgalaikių rezultatų nei dirbtiniai kremai kurie naudojami tam pačiam tikslui. Skalbiant drabužius ir plaunant indus rankomis kenčia jūsų rankų oda. Manikiūrininkai pataria naudoti natūralius produktus, rūpinantis savo rankų (bei viso kūno) oda. Toliau pateikiami sveiki ingredientai, kurie suteikia ilgalaikius rezultatus, nepažeidžiant odos tekstūros.
Jei skudžiatės sausa rankų oda, dažni rankų naudojami kremai nesuteikia gerų rezultatų. Tuomet siūlau cukraus , aliejaus ir citrinos sulčių mišinį. Gerai išmaišykite , kad pasidarytų vietisa masė ir rekomenduojame užtepus palaikyti ją kelias minutes . Nuplovus rankas matysite aiškų skirtumą ir turėsite nuostabiai minkštas rankas.
Sausa oda turi būti pašalinta ir nuplauta . Norėdami tai padaryti, galite naudoti pomidorų ir kalkių mišinį. Gerai išmaišykite ir užtepę per kelias minutes pajausite skirtumą. Tai minkština rankas ir pašalina bet kokius negyvas ląsteles .
Kiaušinis yra labai dažnas ingredientas, naudojamas daugumos odos ekspertų. Jis priduria, grožio ir pašalina senėjimo poveikį iš odos. Manikiūristų jis yra maišomas su įvairiais kitais indigrietais , kad sustiprėtų jo savybes . Jūs galite sumaišyti kiaušinį su glicerino , medaus ir miežių milteliais. Palaikyti mišinį keletą minučių . Kai jis išdžius atsargiai pašalinkite jį ir nusiplaukite rankas. Po šio gydymo Jūsų rankos bus daug minkštesnės.

Image: © Africa Studio / Fotolia
Homemade hand treatments are more effective and provide longer lasting results than the artificial creams and products used for the same purpose. Your hands are sensitive and they get damaged easily when exposed to excess of water. Washing clothes and dishes by hand often damages the skin of your hands. It is recommended by most of the manicurists to use natural products to take care of your skin. Following are the healthy ingredients that give long lasting manicure results without damaging the skin texture.
- Sugar mixed with any sort of oil is the best mixture which provides moisture to the hands. You need to apply one or two table spoons of sugar mixed with one tablespoon of oil. This healthy homemade mixture is a very fast affecting solution and is used by many women worldwide.
- If you have dry and hard skin on your hands sometimes using creams does not provide good results. Then here is the mixture of sugar, oil and lemon juice. Mix well to make a paste and apply it for a few minutes. After washing your hands you will observe a clear difference and get soft hands.
- Dry skin must be removed and washed away. To do this, manicurists use a mixture of tomato and lime. Both of these are mixed well and applied for a few minutes. This softens your hands and removes any dead cells.
- The egg is a very common ingredient that is used by many skin experts. It adds beauty and removes aging effects from the skin. For manicure it is mixed with various other ingredients that enhance its properties. You can mix the egg with glycerin, honey and barley powder. Apply the mixture for a few minutes. When it dries remove it gently and wash your hands. After this treatment your hands will be much softer.
- Olive oil is a very effective home ingredient which is pretty healthy for the cuticles. It softens them immediately and then it is easier to push them back or cut them if necessary. You can also use mixtures of rose water and glycerin for the same purpose.
2014 m. vasario 8 d., šeštadienis
Plastic Wrap Manicure
Yes, the title of this post is correct. This post is about a manicure I did using plastic wrap! My favorite nail art is the kind that can be easily done with things I already have around the house. For this manicure I used plastic wrap to give my manicure a cool texture.
For step by step instructions on how to do this super simple nail art check below the jump!
What you need:
- Two nail polishes that are not too similar in color. At least one of the polishes needs to be a creme finish polish. I used OPI Berlin There Done That and Maybelline Express Finish Black Onyx
- Plastic wrap cut into small pieces (mine were about 2 inches square)
- A top coat
- Q-tips and acetone to clean up.
- Do all your nails the base color and let dry completely. It is important that the nails be completely dry.
- Doing one nail at a time, paint a rather thick coat of the second color onto the nail. Then take a piece of plastic wrap and bunch it into a ball. Then tap the plastic wrap over the wet polish until you are happy with the result. Repeat on the rest of your nails
- Apply a top coat!
- This can be kind of messy so after applying a top coat use a Q-tip soaked in acetone to clean up around the nail.
And that’s it! So simple but I just love the way this manicure turned out. It’s a great way to add texture to the nail without ACTUALLY adding texture to the nail with a Velvet or Caviar manicure.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this nail art technique and whether or not you’ll be giving it a try!
DIY Velvet Manicure
Another day, another crazy nail trend! I’m beginning to think someone at Ciaté literally went to an arts and crafts store, stood in the scrapbook aisle and picked out scrapbooking materials they thought could pass as nail art. First was, of course, the Caviar manicure. Now there is the Velvet manicure. Ciaté has not launched their Velvet Manicure kits yet, though they are supposed to land at Sephora within a month or so. The Caviar kits are $25, so I imagine the Velvet manicure kits will be similarly priced.
Anyway, there is no reason to spend $25 to get on the Velvet Manicure bandwagon. I spent less than $7 at Michaels on supplies for these manicures. There is a step by step guide below the jump (and a ton of pictures!)! Make sure to leave a comment tell me whether or not you love this look or think it’s super silly.
- Nail polish! Any color will work. I do find creme formulas work best.
- Flocking powder. I got mine at Michaels in the scrapbooking aisle.
- Apply one coat of polish to all of your fingers.
- Doing one nail at a time, apply a thick second coat of polish. Sprinkle flocking powder over the nail. Press down on the nail to make sure the flocking powder adheres. Repeat on the rest of your nails!
- Make sure to let your nails completely dry before doing anything.
A couple of issues I ran into when I was testing out these velvet manicures. If you have a pet, do not pet them! I made this mistake and I had cat hair stuck to my nails for the entire day. Also, if you get anything on your nail, particularly liquid (think coffee or foundation) it’s hard, if not impossible, to remove the stain.
This was fun to do and it was something different. But there is something seriously weird about furry nails!
Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think about velvet manis!
Best manicure tips to look younger
The good manicure gives your hands a beautiful and younger look.
There is no need to go the beauty salon and spend excessive amounts of
money on manicure and pedicure. You can perform a good manicure at home
yourself. Ask your family members to help you if you cannot handle all
things alone. Do a little research about the manicure process and find
useful tips. Following tips is extremely beneficial for those who have
little knowledge and experience on how to do manicure.
Tips for beautiful manicure:
Tips for beautiful manicure:
- Before you start your manicure wash your hands with an appropriate for your skin type soap and dry them.
- If you have grown too long pointed nails cut them. Try to make the shape of the nails through filing. Filing options also vary depending on the shape you want to make.
- Shape your nails and then file them properly to smooth the edges. Circle, square, v shaped and many other shapes are now used for nail tips.
- Make sure you have not cut nails from the sides. Sides are there to protect the nails. Only cut tips in various shapes.
- Keep your cuticles instead of cutting them. Just push them back and moisturize them properly.
- You can use pencil wrapped in tissue to push back the cuticles if you do not have specific instruments. Always use smooth items to remove or push back the cuticles.
- Nail polish should be applied in three steps and then you can add some colors on the top coat. Various types of nail polishes are available.
- The metallic shiny top covers are very topic and add younger looks to the hands. You can use these or try to do some nail art if you want to grab the attraction and impress other people.
- Use polish removers to clean extra polish outside of the nails and remove smudges.
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